Next week will be my first week off in while as we plan to go skiing over our Lunar Near Year holiday. Not entirely sure what the deal is but we'll be meeting a group of about a dozen people at Phoenix Park where we supposedly have a dorm/hostel room rented for a couple nights. Still not sure how we're getting there and back but we've got all week to figure that out.
Now for the oops. I just made a huge 'mistake.' You know the whole, 'curiosity killed the cat' thing? Well, I think I just got a taste of it.
What could I have possibly been so curious about that could effect me so negatively? Well, how about a round trip flight from Seoul to New Orleans to get in a week of Carnival. . .which I just found out I could do for less than 800 bucks.
Why is that a bad thing? 'Cause I'm probably not going to be able to do it. . .though I would gladly, gladly fork over the money for the ticket.
A bit of background. After my first Carnival season I vowed to myself that I would make it Mardi Gras morning every single year to see Zulu turn the corner in front of Igors. Now, for those of you who have never put in a full parade schedule and then tried to make it out Tuesday morning, especially after the Galactic show at Tip's the night before, well, I'm sure you underestimate the ease with which this seemingly simple task is accomplished.
Nevertheless, for the past four years in a row I have managed to get myself down past Napoleon on Mardi Gras Day. Sure, it wasn't always easy. The past two years I had to walk from Tips deciding to leave the car at home. That of course was after my second Gras during which I nearly missed the big day. How?
Well, headed down to parades early Tuesday morning, a doctor, in a hurry to get home, decided to blow through a stop sign crossing Freret directly in front of me. I managed to just barely swerve enough not to kill the driver by t-boning him right on the driver's side. Luckily I only swiped his back end and no one was hurt. This was a good enough sign for him to take off as he examined the damage, decided he could afford to pay for his own repairs, and took off towards home. I then waited with Laura for a few hours on the curb until a State Trooper showed up to take the report (as of course all NOPD's finest are busy doing what they should be doing, watching parades!). Anyways, it was a good thing we set out early because even with this delay I managed to get down to 'the spot' in time for Zulu, even though my driver side door was jammed shut. Good thing the parades always run late!
So, back to the 'oops.' I have, ever since arriving in Seoul, been fretting about possibly, and now seemingly likely, missing my first Gras. . .Sure I'd love to just see some old friends. Of course I'd kill to have a single meal prepared by Chef Mike. It'd do wonders for my sanity to hear some 'live, local music.' A swing by Mae's could only boost morale. King Cake tastes great no matter what. I hear Frog's might be hoping through town (and settling on a lilly pad for a bit). But most of all, I just don't wanna break my streak!
I know it sounds ridiculous but then again so does the idea of a major metropolitan city shutting down for a week so it's residents, young and old, can go watch parades for days on end screaming for someone to throw them a bunch of plastic crap made in China! It's New Orleans, no one ever said it had to make sense.
So, why don't I just buy a ticket and get it over with!? Trust me, I want to. There's only one small problem, which I wish I would have checked out before. . .I agreed to go to Shanghai with my Dad and Jay during the week of February 16th. . . . the final full week of Carnival. Now, Mardi Gras is great in and of itself, trying to out coconut 6' 6" Marcus is the sort of challenge many people will never experience (if you don't know, figure it out, it's probably not what you're thinking), but the real fun is in the build up.
I remember Freshmen year sitting around doing nothing in the dorms a couple weeks before the Gras when Sean comes in and asks if anyone wants to go to a parade. I was stunned. I knew Mardi Gras was coming up but why would there be parades so early? Well, I sure had a lot to learn. Though I don't recall much from my 'first' parade, I do know that it set something in motion that was hard to stop. Since that first parade that first year, I have tried to make it to as many as possible. . .well, within reason. No, I don't bother with pushing my way through the Quarter during the weekend, that's for tourists (right?). I definitely don't give two poos about whatever's rolling down Veteran's in Metairie. But if something's rolling up town then by all means, I'm there!
It only took me four years to figure out that I didn't need every bead but rather should only gun for 'cool' beads. In turn, during my last Gras I saved my voice for the majority of Carnival and actually walked away with quite a great stash, that the Larzipan graciously held on to me for while I went ambling for more! Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, the build up!
So, to really do Mardi Gras what I'd like to do is take a Wednesday to Wednesday so that I not only get in the Gras but some parades before hand too. Heck, I could even fly back on Tuesday, Mardi Gras Day, a few years ago Ari and I headed out of town that afternoon to go skiing. . .and lemme tell you, going directly to altitude from parades is quite an interesting experience!
Oh yeah, so, unfortunately I'll be in Shanghai for the preceding week. Well, I get back Friday, why not head back out on Saturday? That's exactly what I just checked on, and exactly what is so frustrating. It's entirely possible and not outrageously priced. As far as I know, a flight down to NOLA from within the States would cost almost as much, being Carnival and all.
So here's the catch. My contract at DYB allows me ten days of vacation time. Five of those I'll be using during my week in Shanghai. The other five, I was originally hoping to use sometime to spend a week in the South Pacific, either in Indonesia or the Philippines. You see how this is now posing a problem. Well, to be honest, if I had to make the call based solely on that information, I know it sounds crazy, but I'd be booking my ticket tonight.
Here's the second catch. DYB has a strict policy of not allowing vacation time during 'Winter Intensive' as it's supposedly much more, well, intense. This however is simply about as far from the truth as possible. Not only is my schedule more relaxed during this period but I actually 'enjoy' the working hours. It feels good to be a normal human being who doesn't get out of work just before midnight.
Anyways. . . Because Intensive will still be going on, I was already denied twice requesting for vacation time for the Shanghai week. It wasn't until I wrote a lengthy e-mail about the 'importance of seeing family' and that 'I have already booked my ticket' did Mr. Lee finally agree to let me go. My assumption is that he won't be granting me a second week of vacation, during intensive, immediately following the one I've already scheduled. . .
Sure it'll be great to see Shanghai. . .but I blew this one, big time. I don't even want to talk about JazzFest yet though I will eventually have to address it sooner or later. . .for the sake of my sanity.
I guess, all I can really do at this point is remember the inspiring words from Dirty Coast. . .
That, and tomorrow at work I'll be asking the possibility of taking two weeks off in a row!
1 comment:
I hear ya on this one. Haven't caught up with your life completely, but I've read a few posts and it all sounds like such an adventure!!! Wherever exciting places we may be...the thought of NOLA will always make us smile... I'm not sure how I keep my sanity when I'm not there (or maybe when I am)! Miss you, man... SE Asia adventure, August-Thanksgiving?
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