While recovering from an exhausting ski trip that blended right into a birthday weekend, my world was further thrown for a whirl as our morning schedule was replaced with a revised evening one. Though I have spent the better part of my time here working in the evening (which is probably more accurately described as 'night') it was a little rough at first getting going again. It's not easy keeping your energy level up from 4:30-10:30pm, especially without a chance to grab a snack at any point!
Anyways, with my mornings free once again I was able to dedicate some good chunks of time to simply sitting at the computer and banging out revision after revision on the script for my 'Best Job in the World' application. Now, to be honest, while I've shot plenty of home-videos on my Canon PowerShot (which I highly recommended for those in the market for a digital camera, by the way), I haven't actually spent much time ever putting any thought in to creating them. . .lets just say they 'happen.'
So, with only 60 seconds to introduce myself and explain exactly why I am obviously the best candidate for the Island Reef Job, it took a lot of brainstorming, and, even more editing! Luckily, I had the input of both Jay and my Dad to work off of, due to the magic of Skype, not to mention the wizardry of Google Docs (but, whoa, that's a-whole-nothing story in the making).
I spent countless hours sitting in my boxers in an uncomfortable chair banging away at the same few paragraphs. Trying to condense a lifetime of exploration, a passion for discovery, a willingness to report and, of course, a penchant for island life into just a minute worth of material is. . .well, challenging to say the least! But, I did what I could.
My final concept came down to highlighting not necessarily my past explorations, as many applicants seem to have done, but rather focus on what I can bring to the Island that others may not. For example, since deciding to come to Korea, I have managed to put up at least two digits worth of posts each month, with out fail. Sure, there are plenty of people who travel to plenty of places, but what does that say really? What I chose to portray was my willingness, and desire to not only explore but share with others the many discoveries I so actively seek.
While it might sound good on paper, and, yes, I can read it in under 60 seconds, getting it onto film and into a single, aesthetically pleasing video has been. . .well. . .an adventure in and of itself! Allow me to catch you up. . .
After finalizing my 'script' Friday morning, I turned in early to get ready for my big first day of filming. Unfortunately, the sleep Gods did not agree with me as I spent the majority of the night, and early morning, simply lying in bed wondering how in the kimchi I was going to get this all put together in a week. So, after a few hours of rest and even less of actual sleep, I dragged myself out of bed early Saturday morning for a long overdue promise to both my students, and myself.
My bi-annual haircut.
Yeah, it was tough, but, I managed to get myself across the street to the barber/stylist (I guess she'd be classified more as the latter) before noon. I confided in Helena that it had been quite some time since scissors last touched my head and she seemed to understand. For about the first time in my life, that I can remember at least, my six months work of 'work' was shown a compassion usually reserved for those donating to Locks for Love or a similar cause. There was no putzing around, no teasing about the mess I was leaving on the floor. . .just a simple, matter o' fact hair cut. . .that, in the end, turned out pretty darn well. I don't keep my hair cut rankings in my back pocket or anything but when you only do a couple dozen every decade, you tend to remember them a bit more, and, well, this one was certainly worth the 10,000 won. . .now, if that didn't bring a tear to your eye, well, you're just a stone cold piece o' granite aren't ya?!
Okay, here's the deal, I gotta get to bed soon so lets just breeze through the rest of this! I already accidentally erased one video that I needed and will have to re-shoot tomorrow morning. I also haven't slept anything close to a comfortable amount at all this week. Worrying? Maybe. About what? I don't know. Excited? Sure. I'm off to China on Saturday for my first vacation. The week I return will mark my six months. I've got to have my video app in before then. The Tuesday that I 'celebrate' six months on coincidentally coincides with Mardi Gras. . .and, well, I guess I've had a lot on my mind!
After losing a full head of hair and a darn good natural ear warmer, Nate and I headed to COEX Underground Mall where we spent an hour or so in the Aquarium filming clips for TBJ App and tooling around with the fishies. Why not longer you ask. Well, because on our way to the Aquarium we passed a large poster hanging over the mall's main stage which read 'Big Bang,' followed by a slew of Korean that we weren't able to decipher. After checking with a number of middle school girls mulling around, we confirmed our suspicions that Korea's most famous boy band would soon be making an appearance at that very location! Thus, we scurried off towards the Aquarium quickly so as to make it back for the four o'clock appearance. . .I mean, when in Rome. . .right?
While I would have loved to spend more time simple oogling the fish and pretending to be anywhere but Seoul, I agreed with Nate that we should rush through to get back to the 'show.' After all, he was a good enough sport to wake up early, travel across town and fork over the 15,500 won to film me saying ridiculous clips while jumping in front of fish tanks. . .then again. . .maybe he did it for his own personal enjoyment. . .I mean, laughing at others sure is a blast isnt' it! Thanks though doood!
Not much to say about the Aquarium itself however except that you've seen better. And, well, if you haven't, then you probably don't really like Aquariums anyways in which case you might as well just hang out at one of COEX's dozen Starbucks. Not that there's anything wrong with a enjoying a delicious coffee while cowering from sea creatures but, come on, if they're caged, check 'em out!
The one thing I can speak on is the absurdity of the Aquarium's displays (why have I been capitalizing the word aquarium. . .I don't know, it makes it sound more important, that's why). If the idea of an acrylic harp or replica mailbox filled with fish doesn't get you questioning, then perhaps the below picture of a fire extinguisher tank will. . .don't ask me, I'm just as curious as you are!
The two headed turtle however did get my attention for quite some time. So did the Aquarium's largest tanks filled with a variety of sharks and giant turtles. . .too bad none of the pictures turned out. . .though, again, if you haven't seen these animals already well, you're probably not cut out for island life! Anyways, we blew through the Aquarium in record time, in part because we were anxious to catch Big Band and in part, well, because we were by far the oldest un-accompanied people there!
Back out at the main stage we waited for almost a half an hour before anything 'happened.' I mean, sure, before then there was a lot of pushing, some preemptive screams, picture taking and security guard trickery but, those are all expected for any big showing, right? Finally, the crowd elicited a piercing scream in the key of 7th-grade-girl that left my ear drums shaking and my 'manliness' in question. For a comparison, think Backstreet Boys circa 1998. . .there you have it.
With everyone pushing past dying for a better look, Nate and I weren't really sure what to do but stand there and be excited. Before even trying to capture the event with photographs we figured out that for some reason cameras were not a welcome sight during the appearance. I had heard a similar anecdote from one of my students who attended a Big Bang show and reported that no pictures were allowed during the entire performance. Apparently, this is the case at all their appearances, even without a real 'show.' Left and right security guards were slamming closed elevated cell phones while a man with a mega phone hollered at those in the back with cameras.
Not one to miss out on documenting this opportunity, Nate and I both tried to grab a couple snapshots to pretty much no avail. While taking a picture without the flash is difficult enough while indoors, this feat was made even trickier by the sea of young women pushing us around while simultaneously trying to dodge the attention of authoritative looking security guards. Pretty much all we came out with was the blurry picture below in which you can only just barely make out (from left to right) Tae Yang, T.O.P. and G-Dragon.
Despite the poor resolution and obvious jarring of the camera, for the past week now, this picture has elicited not only horrific screams from our students but tears of joy from at least one of Nates. Apparently this was a big deal that we were lucky enough to simply be in the presence of these 'stars.' Ha, according to our middle school girls at least. And, well, boys too. Although they are reluctant to admit their excitedness at first, all it takes is a few minutes of the girls oogling at the pictures before the boys inevitably insist on seeing as well. From that point it's not long until they too declare us the luckiest teachers ever. . . yeah, we know, thanks!
While the whole Big Bang ordeal lasted no more than 45 minutes from the time we started waiting, we were exhausted by the time we escaped the scene. So, in order to kick back, relax and celebrate a successful day of shooting, we headed towards Itaewon where we were lucky enough to catch Beef and the Penetrators' final show at Woodstock! Though the horn section was AWOL and the crowd was lifeless, I'm darn glad we made it for their final rendition of. . .well, if you know you know, if you don't, sorry!
We took a break from filming on Sunday while I spent the day kicking the crap out of the Han River Harriers, our supposed "A" team in the Han River club. There's nothing like beating the 'big boys' at their own game two weeks in a row. Though I didn't find a chance to score this week, I held down a solid place in the back where we allowed only one goal, off of a penalty kick that, no, I did not cause!
Oh, and for the record. . .for all you 35 year old English men out there who find it necessary to throw punches at not one, but two Koreans that you're not just playing against but have, only a few weeks ago, played with. . .well, we have a name for you in America and I believe it's along the lines of P.A.B (figure it out yourself and pardon my language, please). . .but seriously, smashing the face of a kid whose ten years younger than you in to the ground while playing a friendly match. . .well, it makes it clear why you have no friends left on your little northern island and had to come to Korea to find someone to love you. . .by the way. . .she roller blades in circles like a young deer on ice. . .you think that's cute?! Oh, excuse me, I'll stop now.
Oh, and for the record. . .for all you 35 year old English men out there who find it necessary to throw punches at not one, but two Koreans that you're not just playing against but have, only a few weeks ago, played with. . .well, we have a name for you in America and I believe it's along the lines of P.A.B (figure it out yourself and pardon my language, please). . .but seriously, smashing the face of a kid whose ten years younger than you in to the ground while playing a friendly match. . .well, it makes it clear why you have no friends left on your little northern island and had to come to Korea to find someone to love you. . .by the way. . .she roller blades in circles like a young deer on ice. . .you think that's cute?! Oh, excuse me, I'll stop now.
Nate and I resumed filming Wednesday morning as we dragged ourselves out of bed unusually early to head up the side of Mt. Bulam. The original plan was to film a shot from the summit to demonstrate my adventurous nature though, it was apparent upon leaving that a shot from the top would likely yield nothing close to stunning as the summit was steeped in fog. Even so, we decided to push on as we had already gotten out of bed! Not the greatest of motivations but it works! We followed a fellow hiker down the street to enter the mountain by a different trail head that seemed to cut a great deal of time off our hike! We managed to make it up in just about an hour 'n a half. . .compared to last time where it must have taken us at least double that!
Though I didn't get the epic summit shot we hoped for, we managed to film a couple clips along the way that will certainly do for conveying the sense of adventuring a la mountain climbing! But yes, of course, we still summited! Who do you think we are, a bunch of lazy English teachers!?
Back at school Wednesday evening Nate joined my first class to shoot a few more seconds of the 'script.' While it didn't take very long, it was evident that the surrounding teachers, and more so, my current teacher, Terry, were not too pleased about the distraction. Nevertheless, I had promised my students for weeks that they would be in the video, both because they wanted to be and well I wanted them to be! Unfortunately, this is where the story turns sour as I was uploading the videos a few minutes ago and managed to erase the one (of a few dozen) that I actually needed. . .thus, we'll be going for a re-shoot tomorrow morning! Sorry in advance teachers! Thank you for your patience!
Thursday morning we continued filming, this time headed towards Itaewon as I had a revelation the night before. Why I didn't think of this sooner I don't know but sometime in the course of lying awake at night it occurred to me that there are big 'Hamilton' signs all over Itaewon advertising the Hamilton Hotel. Sure, they don't say Hamilton Island but it's the name recognition I'm going for, not accuracy!
So, down to Line 6 we went. Not only did I get a good shot (though the lighting is terrible as you'll soon see as I've vowed to post my completed application, if it is ever in fact completed) but we pounded down an excellent lunch of none other than, Pad Thai! Pondering our lunch options it didn't take long for me to point us in the direction of My Thai, one of the remaining Thais joints that we had yet to try. Of course I needn't look at a menu as my order had already been decided last June while traveling the Land of Smiles with Stef. . .if you don't know this story well. . .check the history books. . .I've eaten a lot of Pad Thai!
Anyways, for 11,000 won it sure hit the spot. The whole fried egg on top was a bit different as it's normally mixed in but otherwise the flavor was superb. Heavy on the fish sauce but not over powering. Lemon not lime, but, it'll do. Chili powder instead of peppered vinegar. . .eh, not biggie, but I could've used the extra tang. Delicious chicken and a hearty portion of ground peanuts to boot. Seoul Ranking. . .tied for second with Buddah Belly. . .what it lacked in flavor it certainly made up for in portion!
So, there you have it! It's now Thursday night, I'm an hour past my 'bedtime,' and yet hours from falling asleep. While Roy and Jay have already left for Shanghai I have another day of work to put in before taking off. . .oh yeah, did I mention I'm going to China on Satuday?! As Nate noted this evening, that would be such a big deal in the States but now that we're already 'here,' well, I mean, it's just going to China, not like it's the Philippines or anything! Strange how perspectives can be so easily skewed!
Thanks for reading. . .likely no updates to come for the next week as I'll be off to mainland Asia. . .as for the video, while, it's either done before I return or it ain't gettin' done!
For those Stateside, I wish you a Happy Carnival and hope that you are celebrating appropriately. . .whether it's paczkis or king cake, please make sure you're over eating, over dancing, and well, if your in the Naw', over heating!
Thursday morning we continued filming, this time headed towards Itaewon as I had a revelation the night before. Why I didn't think of this sooner I don't know but sometime in the course of lying awake at night it occurred to me that there are big 'Hamilton' signs all over Itaewon advertising the Hamilton Hotel. Sure, they don't say Hamilton Island but it's the name recognition I'm going for, not accuracy!
So, down to Line 6 we went. Not only did I get a good shot (though the lighting is terrible as you'll soon see as I've vowed to post my completed application, if it is ever in fact completed) but we pounded down an excellent lunch of none other than, Pad Thai! Pondering our lunch options it didn't take long for me to point us in the direction of My Thai, one of the remaining Thais joints that we had yet to try. Of course I needn't look at a menu as my order had already been decided last June while traveling the Land of Smiles with Stef. . .if you don't know this story well. . .check the history books. . .I've eaten a lot of Pad Thai!
Anyways, for 11,000 won it sure hit the spot. The whole fried egg on top was a bit different as it's normally mixed in but otherwise the flavor was superb. Heavy on the fish sauce but not over powering. Lemon not lime, but, it'll do. Chili powder instead of peppered vinegar. . .eh, not biggie, but I could've used the extra tang. Delicious chicken and a hearty portion of ground peanuts to boot. Seoul Ranking. . .tied for second with Buddah Belly. . .what it lacked in flavor it certainly made up for in portion!
So, there you have it! It's now Thursday night, I'm an hour past my 'bedtime,' and yet hours from falling asleep. While Roy and Jay have already left for Shanghai I have another day of work to put in before taking off. . .oh yeah, did I mention I'm going to China on Satuday?! As Nate noted this evening, that would be such a big deal in the States but now that we're already 'here,' well, I mean, it's just going to China, not like it's the Philippines or anything! Strange how perspectives can be so easily skewed!
Thanks for reading. . .likely no updates to come for the next week as I'll be off to mainland Asia. . .as for the video, while, it's either done before I return or it ain't gettin' done!
For those Stateside, I wish you a Happy Carnival and hope that you are celebrating appropriately. . .whether it's paczkis or king cake, please make sure you're over eating, over dancing, and well, if your in the Naw', over heating!
1 comment:
You've been linked at Reef-job.net
Good Luck!
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