Sunday, September 14, 2008


Per a number of comments I've both been left and encountered otherwise I think my last post needs a bit of clarifying!

As I was eating my random dish of the evening, the waitress showed me a display on her phone that read, "The small intestines of cat-," she then subsequently scrolled down to reveal the three letters "-tle."

When read together, this clearly spells cattle. No, I did not eat cat, nor was I under the impression that I was doing so for any longer than 10 seconds!

It was however rather shocking at first when I read only the first line. . . .this trick, of moving the beginning of a word down to the next line if it won't fit in full, is something that neither the cellphones, nor my students, have yet to figure out!

Oh well. . .all was good in the end! But again, for clarification, no, I did not consume any cat! Or so I'm aware at least!

Happy Chusok! I'll let you know my address when I figure it out so you can send your belated gifts!

More to come!

Pictures as soon as I get internet hooked up in the Blue Room!

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